juz come back from imu..fewh~
how was it? Alhamdulillah,ok laa..huhuhu. sampai sane lam kul 12.30,
farah jemput kat student service,hehe,thanx farah.. g naek motor ngan abang aku,xbley pakai baju kurung lagih.huhu.then lepak nga farah n kawan barunye jap,pastu baru siap2,lam 1.45 aku gi register, tgok2 name plak takde.
pelik gak aku,xkan aku silap tarekh kot.then miss kat c2 cakap ade probs cket.suppose aku nye intvw kul 2.30,tp kene "delay,"pukul 4 bawu turn aku. erkh~! gile lame ag nk kne tggu,aku pon sabo je la,nk wat camane. so aku tggu kat student srvice tu,ade la bbrape orang lagi mamat chinese ngah tunggu untk intvw gak.aku lepak2 dlu sengsorang kat situ,tgok2 IMU.huhu.mcm best.tp macam sangat menakotkan.kat situ malay adelah kaum minoriti. brape orang je dak malay situ,bley bilang ngan jari je kot.yang kat student srvice 2 pon aku wase sume chinese+indian.
ttbe miss yang jage budak intvw 2 cakap aku dah leyh masuk,mase 2 lam 2.15. alamak~ td kate kul 4,skang da panggel.tp xpelah,dgn coolnye aku pon ikotla miss tu g meeting room..
smpai sane panel 2 twos suruh masuk.dush~
aku duduk je,twus tanye, tell me about urself..?
huh,soklan yang kunantikan..haha
b4 dat aku dah reke script siap2 ngan bantuan abg aku,ngee~
then dorang tnye ag lebeh kurang 4-5 soklan kot,sume sal diri aku.
so aku hentam sajalah.huhuhu
pas2 dy bagi satu case.lebeh kurang camnila,xingat sangat da ayat die.
"u were a pilot.u've on board for 3 hours,to get to the next station is about 2 hours but the wheather is stormy,and the destination is about 10 hours to go.suddenly,1 of the passenger got heart attack.what will u do?"
huhu.da ramai aku dengar dapat soalan ni..
agak suke bile dapat soklan ni.hihiihi.
"1st of all,be cool and calm.make an annoucement asking for any doctors on board and let the doc check that person 1st."
pastu panel 2 cepat2 potong,
"there's no doctors on board."
"ermm..(sambel buat2 pikir)..to stop at the next station is very dangerous so i think it's better to turn back.."
dy nk provoke aku.pastu dy cakap,
"if other passenggers comment because they have appoinments or meeting?"
tetibe tringat ayat abg aku,huhu
"life is the top priority.we need 2 save life!"
pas2 tibe2 aku mndapat pujian daripada panel 2..hihihihi..
nak tergelak pon ade,tp xpe,aku hanye tersenyum. =)
pas2 aku plak tnye dorang.cket je la tnye,pasal IMU..
then kuar n balek~!
kejap je intvw 2,lebey kurang 15 minit.
naseb baek dorang xbanyak tanye~
tyme 4 waiting.uhuk~
sesungguhnye penantian itu 1 penyeksaan.huhu
kalo ade rzki,kne attend intvw lagi after dis.
praying 4 my sunshine..~
2 je lah sal intvw arini..xsia2 aku tdo lewat + buli abg aku suh tlg cnstruct ayat bia nmpak matured.hehe
bawu ku sedar,aku sbenarnye x "meced" lam bab cakap2 neh.huhu
nway thanx bro~!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
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